Effective Server Hardening Services

Top-notch Server Hardening Methods

Rescue your Server using Rootkit Identification and Removal!

Now $49.99 Only.

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Is your Server Administrator unable to Manage Vulnerabilities?

which is an Open Invitation for Hackers to Exploit. Rescue Now!

Servers online today are attacked thousands of times per hour, tens and sometimes Hundreds of Thousands of Times Each and Every Day. Your data is not Secure and such Loopholes may Affect Company’s Credibility in market.

Server Hardening is the process of Enhancing Server Security through a variety of means which results in a much more Secure Server Operating Environment. At WebODesk, strive to Harden the Servers and Network to Secure the Data. Our experts Analyze the Servers, Monitor the Server all Round the Clock, thus Improving Reliability and Performance of your server.

Server Hardening


Server Hardening Includes Basic Server Hardening
Standard Server Hardening
Enterprise Server Hardening
Check Server Security
CHKRootKit :
RootKit Hunter :
APF or CSF :
SSH Securing :
Host.conf Hardening :
Sysctl.conf Hardening :
FTP Hardening :
TMP Hardening :
PHP Hardening :
PHP Upgrade :
Shell Fork Bomb/Memory Hog Protection :
Update Control Panel to latest version.
Install Logwatch for investigating any suspicious activity on the server.
Turn off unused services and daemons.
Disabling Chargen to stop the server from being misused by an attacker in their efforts to disrupt another server.
Symlink Protection.
Kernel Hardening.
Crontab Hardening.
MySQL Hardening
ClamAV :
Root Logger Notification of root access when someone login as root in the server along with the timestamp and IP address information.
Email Password Scan.
Logwatch :
Turn off compilers. Most rootkits come pre-compiled but not all of them do. It will also prevent shell users from trying to compile any IRC related programs.
Enable PHP open_basedir Protection :
Network Socket Inode Validation (NSIV)
Linux Environment Security (LES)
Mail Server Hardening.
Installation/configuration of SpamAssassin & ClamAV, Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBLs), dictionary attack protection and rate limiting
Mod Security – Protects against web based attacks. Custom rule configuration as per needs.
Mod Evasive – Helps in stopping HTTP based DOS attacks.
$ 49.99 /Month$ 59.99 /Month$ 69.99 /Month
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Server Hardening

From set up to clean up Server Hardening provides!

OS Hardening

We Keep Track of Linux/Windows OS with updated Security Patches and Upgrade the User platform For Hassle-FREE Experience.

System Integrity Monitor

Our Server Hardening Team always Keep Eye on every Single Click, so that for any failures and failed services will be automatically restarted.

Control panel Update

Master Server Hardening Tools and latest versions Control panels always acts as fence against any uncertainties.

Firewall configuration

Malicious threats, malwares, spywares, hackers, viruses are nightmares of any Business. Tough Firewall Settings are done as per needs.

Brute Force Detection

Who is Stepping in? Now its easy to filter out Unauthorized Access to the Server, and blocks attackers using sophisticated counter tools.

DDOS protection

Free DDOS Protection Service includes All New Mitigation Methods Complements Our Server Hardening Packages.

Let Us know Your Queries..!


    Ans: Server Hardening is the process of tuning the server operating system to increase security and help prevent unauthorized access. WeboDesk Customized Server Hardening packages are suitable Solutions For any Challenging IT Infrastructure.

    Ans: Server Hardening provides these features –
    • i.Securing against threats such as viruses and malware
    • ii.Confidential data protection
    • iii.Improves Reliability, Scalability and Performance of your system as a whole
    • iv.Improves the brand value of your business
    • v.Strengthens customer belief in your services
    • vi.Better return on investment (ROI)

    Ans: Tech experts work 24/7 in the following ways –
    • i.Expert analysis of your servers
    • ii.Proven fixes & solutions
    • iii.Continuous monitoring & reporting
    • iv.Proper Verified security methods
    • v.Proven steps & guide for server