OnApp Cloud Management

All-Encompassing Cloud Infrastructure Management Solutions!

WeboDesk provides the Best Solution to make Management of your Cloud Fast, Easy, Reliable and Affordable.OnApp Cloud offers IaaS Services in Highly Scalable and Automated Environment. The distinguishable factor of OnApp is the Integration of CDN, making a way for Easy and Anytime Accessing of Data stored in the Cloud.

OnApp is assuredly a most Useful, Powerful and Affordable Tool, with Capacity to Administer Cloud Management, Load Balancing, Billing, Security Enhancement Measure and more. OnApp Cloud supports Hypervisors like XEN, KVM and Vmware. OnApp Enables you to Create Cloud to Handle and Manage vast number of clients through Single User Interface.

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End-to-End Cloud Management Platform.

Get full fledged management service to manage Private, Public, Hybrid Cloud, Storage, CDN and lot more.
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    cloud management

    Quality Elevator Attributes of OnApp Cloud Management!

    Easy Management

    Designing and managing of public and private cloud on varied Hypervisor Technologies is easier under one UI.

    Full Fledged Solutions

    OnApp provides complete cloud management solution ranging from billing to user management and Security handling Tools.

    Customizable Service

    We offer you to customize your OnApp Cloud based on your business needs and specifications.

    More Storage

    OnApp Cloud is inclusive of Software-defined storage for higher performance and eases the service creation with storage and network.

    All In One Management

    OnApp Cloud Management by WeboDesk includes extensive services from remote installation to Auto Updates and more.

    Manage Resources

    OnApp cloud enables to manage the resources, assigned to specific virtual servers and Easy Scaling of resources.

    Our Client Reviews!

    Before you Pick our high-rated Server management Services Have a look at our Customers talks in detail for better Experience.